BSA Crankshafts
BSA A65 Crankshafts
BSA A50/A65 offset crankshafts are supplied with the standard timing side journal ground to standard (1.500”) size as shown in the image below. The crankshaft diameter, with counterweights, is about 3/8” smaller then a stock crankshaft to clear any high-lift camshafts and reduce the rotational weight of the crankshaft. Our crankshafts are usually 4.5 pounds lighter than a stock crankshaft.
This crankshaft costs $1300 USD
All 76 degree versions of BSA cranks cost $200 USD more than quoted prices shown below except where noted.
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BSA Crankshaft Timing Side Bearing
BSA A50/A65 offset crankshafts can be supplied with the timing side bearing machined to fit a needle roller bearing. The oil feed quill is ground so that it is concentric to the crankshaft’s main bearings. The crankshaft diameter, with counterweights, is about 3/8” smaller then a stock crankshaft to clear any high-lift camshafts and reduce the rotational weight of the crankshaft. Our BSA crankshafts are usually 4.5 pounds lighter than a stock crankshaft.
This crankshaft costs $1400 USD
All 76 degree versions of BSA A65 or A10 cranks cost $200 USD more than quoted prices shown with related information.
BSA A10 Crankshafts
BSA A7/A10 offset crankshafts are usually supplied with the standard timing side journal ground to 1.500” size as used on 1959 and later A10 engines. Crankshaft diameter, with counterweights, is about 3/8” smaller then a stock crankshaft to clear any high-lift camshafts and reduce the rotational weight of the crankshaft. Our crankshafts are usually 4.5 pounds lighter than a stock crankshaft.
Donor large-journal BSA A10 crankshafts are very hard to find. The price can be dropped by $150 if one is supplied. Remove the flywheel before shipping; we’ll take care of the sludge trap. All 76 degree versions of BSA cranks cost $200 USD more than quoted prices shown below except where noted.
This crankshaft costs $1400 USD with stock timing side journal and $1500 USD with roller bearing conversion.